I Love You Lillie by Eunique Teasley


Eunique is a unique, precocious little girl with a heart as big as the sun. When she was told that she would be a big sister, she immediately began planning what she and her little sister would be doing years down the road. Eunique had already exhibited a great love for learning, reading and the creative arts. She preferred educational programs that taught you how to make and create crafts to cartoons.

When we were informed that the gynecologist wanted to meet with us because of a ‘finding’ associated with Precious’ (Eunique’s mother) last visit, I immediately felt a familiar sense of foreboding that carried me back several years and the death of my niece, Miracle, to Trisomy 18.

My sister was told that her daughter had Trisomy 18; a genetic disorder and the coincidence was almost beyond imagination. After much counseling, tears, prayers and hesitation Precious decided to continue her pregnancy and hope for the best. Of course we did not reveal any of this to Eunique who continued to plan and speak of her sister. On September 8, 2015, Lillie Mae Teasley Anderson was born via cesarean section and we were told not to expect her to survive. Lillie was born with multiple challenges, but she survived. Eunique was quite obviously over the moon excited and excitedly looked forward to seeing, holding, kissing and bringing her new sister home.

The decline of Lillie’s health caused her to have surgery 2 weeks after her birth and she was kept in the NICU ward. This is where Eunique met her sister for the first time. She sat in a rocking chair and held her sister, not knowing that this would be the extent of her interaction with her little sister. Lillie was not gaining weight and there was talk of a second surgery to correct digestive abnormalities. As it became apparent that Lillie would not improve, it was suggested that she be allowed to come home for a short while to be with the family, but on the eve of her release she experienced a set back and the hope of her coming home was removed. The doctor again called us in for a conference and we were told to prepare for the inevitability of her transition very soon. As we all gathered together, we revealed to Euniqe and her cousin Tyreek of the events that were unfolding. The expression of sorrow from the children moved the family and staff mightily. Lillie transition on October 26, 2015. We held a memorial service which was attended by many and it was shortly after this service that Eunique said she wanted to do something for Lillie.

As we all gathered together, we revealed to Euniqe and her cousin Tyreek of the events that were unfolding. The expression of sorrow from the children moved the family and staff mightily. Lillie transition on October 26, 2015. We held a memorial service which was attended by many and it was shortly after this service that Eunique said she wanted to do something for Lillie.

She spoke often of missing her little sister and how she knew she was an angel looking down on her and she wanted to know why God had to keep her for so long and not let her come back to visit with her sometime. Then she declared; ‘ I’m going to write a book about Lillie. I’m going to author and illustrate it and everybody will know that Lillie is an angel and they will never forget her’. As an owner of a Performing Arts Center I had worked with my granddaughter on many projects, but we had never ventured into the area of creative writing. I was completely astounded by her revelation but I quickly recovered and immediately began assisting her in fulfilling her dream to memorialize her little sister.
We began working on her book and I recorded her progress as the project progressed.

Eunique has a YouTube channel and Facebook page that shows the formation and completion of her labor of love to her sister. I LOVE YOU LILLIE was completed in July 2016 and it is full of her own thoughts, pictures she drew herself as well as photographs of Lillie’s brief journey. Eunique proudly shares with everyone that her book is not about her but about her sister Lillie who is an angel watching over her and that she is now in heaven with her great-grandmother and father and her cousin Miracle.

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