Arianna Evelyn Ortiz


Arianna Evelyn Ortiz parents are Melinda Rivera and Eric Ortiz. I was only 17 years old with a 6 month old daughter named Jazmine at the time I found out I was pregnant with Arianna. We were so scared but yet excited knowing God had blessed us with another child.

I remember getting an ultrasound at 4 weeks and they provided me with a due date of November 26, 2002 As my pregnancy months went by I noticed it was very different no morning sickness not much of a weight gain or belly showing as much. I remember every time I went to the doctors always expressing concerns of how little I was and the doctors always said growth was great everything was good. One ultrasound appointment I remember I was 6 months pregnant the doctors stating I needed to see a Cardiology for further ultrasound tests of the babies heart. My heart dropped, I was only 17 years old with a baby under 1 and pregnant with another and all I could think was Lord give me the strength.

I went to the first Cardiology appointment and the doctor started looking at the babies heart and advised me she had congestive heart disease. I was going for ultrasounds weekly to see the growth of the heart of the baby. I continued with my OBGYN appointments they stated all was well with growth.

I remember November 4, 2002 I was 8 months pregnant and I called my doctor because I explained I had not felt movement like I did with my other pregnancy, doctor ordered me to come in for a stress test. As they were doing the stress test they notice the babies heart keep dropping the did a quick ultrasound and said Melinda the baby is only weighing 1lb 1 ounce mind you I was 8.5 months by then. Doctors order an emergency c-section so they contacted an ambulance to transport me 45 minutes south of where I lived to do an emergency C-section.

At this time I was alone, scared, nervous and did not know what to expect this was my first c-section I got to the hospital and all I can remember was everyone rushing to me asking questions, putting IV’s shaving me, etc all while prepping me to get ready for the C-section. I was so scared, they started my c-section and all I can remember is looking over to the left at Eric for reassurance and him saying she is out and me not hearing her cry nor being able to even see her they had to rush her to ICU. They said she weighed 1 lb 1 ounce all I remember is tears coming down my eyes asking if she was ok or going to be ok.

They got me prep up and done with surgery and put me in a room because of my c-section and being medicated I was not able to go down to ICU to see my daughter Arianna. I had to wait a whole 24 hours and they wheeled chaired me down to finally see her they told me I needed to wear masks, gloves, and a jacket and that she would be in a incubator. I was not able to hold her on put my arms through the whole of the incubator I was so sad my daughter had IVS on her head, arms and all these machines hooked to her. I wanted answers no one knew doctors did not know they stated they sent tests out to the lab to see what she had. It was day 2 in the hospital and it was time to go home from the hospital and unfortunately I was not bringing my baby girl Arianna home due to her conditions.

I lived 45 minutes away, I went home and called the nurse even hour to check on my baby I was so depressed and went through bad postpartum depression. I was so upset because I was restricted on driving due to my c-section surgery so I couldn’t see my baby everyday. I would cry every night wishing my Arianna was home I felt like a bad mother not being there and nourishing her, but I also had to care for a 1 year old at home as well.

I would visit her as often as I could, week 2 we took a family trip up to visit her and doctors wanted to give me and her father Eric an update on her. They said we need to speak with you both alone the covered the area they were speaking to us they said the received some test results that came back positive for Trisomy 18 and that our daughter only had up to a year to live due to her having the heart defects. Tears just started rolling down my eyes I was in disbelief, my daughter I started praying and just crying.

We went home that night and all I could think is that I was such a bad mother what did I do wrong that my daughter has only 1 year to live. Doctors wanted to reassure me that it was nothing I did wrong it just happened. I was in so much guilt, I went to the hospital and doctors had given me the decision to leave her with hospice or bring her home. I stated I don’t care if my daughter has no limbs she is my daughter and I’m taking care of her Hospice can come to my house and check on her she was my baby regardless of her conditions or diagnosis.

November 24, 2002 Arianna was discharged to come home only weighing 1 lb 1ounce they had to teach me how to insert her feeding tube to her stomach and not her lungs, I learned I was such a pro. I told them I’ll learn and take whatever trainings needed to care for my child I was only 18 years old. Hospice came to the home to welcome her home and check her stats I had to set an alarm clock every 3 hours to feed Arianna because she did not cry. She was deaf and blind so it was up to me to make sure she was feed on time around the clock also make sure her feeding tube was placed in her stomach not in her lungs. It was such a big responsibility but I’d do it all over again, we could not do the same as other families

I was not able to take her out the house to go shopping or outings a hospice nurse or her father had to stay home and watch her as I ran errands. Life was different but we as a family adjusted and with the help of our family they made it normal. Her grandparents Rosa and Jeanette were such a BIG help with her. On,

February 18,2004 at 5:00 am her father was getting ready for work, I remember I was holding Arianna and my daughter Jazmine being on the bed with me as I was getting the tube ready to feed Arianna, Jazmine was rubbing her head I go to pour the bottle in the tube and I see Arianna choking. I suddenly stop the milk from flowing lift Arianna up and she starts throwing up blood I scream Eric Arianna is not well. He turns around I’m in tears I feel the pulse in her neck and its done Arianna passed away in my arms with Jazmine right next to me it was the hardest thing to experience all while trying to be strong for Jazmine and Eric.

We had to contact Hospice and they came and allowed me to bathe her deceased, it was the hardest thing to do but for my child I would do anything. I keep her memory alive within my family I miss her dearly and can’t wait to see her in heaven, Arianna has made me such a strong person I love her so much.


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