I was a very young mother, age of 19. Got pregnant on my honeymoon. So much excitement and joy. At that time we had one car and no phone. Doctor contacted us through my parents phone I needed to call them. Apparently my protein test showed my child had trisomy 18. I said what does that mean? She said your child will die within a year. We suggest an abortion. I said I don’t believe in that. I will give my child every chance of life that me and god can. I carried my child til 9 months knowing he was going to die. He was still born and never took a breath. What was crazy was that I was on the verge of death with blood pressure out of control and had no clue where I was due to the meds. I woke up having to push. They forgot about me. I delivered with no epidural. Then while In recovery and doped up they had me sign papers to cremate my baby without my husband being there. It was the most horrible experience. Even after 27 years. I still hurt. He had a cleft palate. Esophagus not formed. Missing digits. Also the amniocentesis showed Down syndrome which is rare. And the doctor withheld that information. So I’m glad god took him during birth instead of him suffering. But it still doesn’t take the hurt away. But to this day I have 2 healthy daughters and I work for a genectist and he tells me it would be rare it would occur with my Childer and grandchildren