Trisomy 18 Stories

Emylen Amara
It’s taken me some time to muster up the courage to write this. I’ve seen other strong mothers...

Bradon Gabriel Land
Bradon was born sleeping November 10, 1999. I add his story as a memorial to his life and...

Arianna Evelyn Ortiz
Arianna Evelyn Ortiz parents are Melinda Rivera and Eric Ortiz. I was only 17 years old with a...

Sage Anita Eccleston
This story is to honor our beloved daughter, Sage Anita, who died in June of 2023. Despite past...

Elijah Quinn’s Story
Elijah Quinn Portillo is my first baby. I found about him on January 28th, 2023. I thought I...

Amelia’s Story
Starting from the very beginning, When we found out I was pregnant with my little girl, my husband...