Angel Raphaela story 21st of February 2022


We were expected a normal baby. Our doctor told us that our baby was healthy.
We planned a normal delivery. my wife was admitted to the hospital but she was not able to do it normal delivery.
The doctor gave her medicine to ease the delivery but it did not work and the doctor told me that we would have the baby by surgery.
The time is 2 a.m. Although I was very worried about my wife and baby, the doctor told me that I did not need to be afraid it was normal.

They took my wife for surgery at 8 am. The doctors told me to stay out. Everything will be fine and you will be able to see the baby within one hour.
30 minutes later the doctor called me and told me to come to NICU. The only thing I asked was, are my wife and baby okay? They told me yes.

Our little angle was born on the 21st of February 2022 morning at 8.37.

When I went there, I saw that my child was not like other children. The doctor told me they didn’t even know. I asked what I should do.

They apologized to me. Then they explained this to me. That’s when I heard the name Trisomy 18. But my mind was not there.

I came out and wondered how I could tell this to my wife. She is undergoing surgery with severe pain.

I have no hope for the next moment. Then they told me. You can go to the wife.
But what did I tell her the next question I had?
Time passed. A few days later I checked on her health and told her all the details about the baby.
According to the doctors my little daughter Raphaela was given to us a month later by the NICU. She is now 2 months and 14 days old.

She is happy with us. We do everything we can for her. We are Sri Lankan citizens and we work in the UAE. Raphaela was born in UAE too…

I think we were treated unfairly. I need to be aware of that. Hospital did not give us what we expected from a doctor. But we are happily on our way.

Thank u!

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