Our daughter Evergreen was born 7/22/2024.
For a year my husband, and I tried to conceive before we found out I was pregnant. I prayed, and dreamt of having a daughter! My pregnancy went as normal for the first several weeks, and I eagerly opted for the blood test to find out the gender early as I did not have this option with my son.
When our results came back I was over the moon to find out she was a little girl, but quickly taken back by a high risk result of having Trisomy 18. I did not take to Google seeing as how I know my brain would go a mile a minute if I did. I had never heard of such a thing before.
We saw a specialist shortly after for a more in depth ultrasound to give a more definitive answer. She had many of the markers. When the doctor explained further as to what we were dealing with I grew scared. When I heard the words “incompatible with life” my heart shattered. When given the conversation about my options I grew weary, and heartbroken. I’ll never ever forget that ride home. It was complete silence.
My husband, and I just held each other for days. Contemplating our next steps. We each knew we wanted to give her the chance at life she deserved, so we put ten toes down, and continued the pregnancy grounded in faith. Knowing whatever the outcome would be it would be in his will. We prayed over her daily. Her kicks were so strong, and constant I knew she was a little fighter.
At 37 weeks I developed preeclampsia resulting in the need of an immediate cesarean. We were nervous, of course! Our nurse prayed over us before heading to the operating room, and I tried to hold back tears, and be strong for my girl. All I wanted was for some time with her, and prayed God would give me that opportunity.
When Evergreen came out she let out soft cries. They put her next to me, and I saw her little face, and melted! I kissed her cheek, and they immediately took her to NICU. An hour later I was on my feet walking to hold my daughter!
She was so perfect. A true blessing. I soaked in the cuddles, and kisses. She did so well! I was shocked. We spent two weeks in the NICU at our local hospital where everyone just fell in love with her. She was then transferred to a nearby Children’s Hospital to learn more about her condition. We had several tests, and stayed a month before discharging to go home. We are going on four months strong with our little fighter! She smiles, she laughs, she rolls over, and dies all the baby things! All T18 babies are so different. They write the story, and we are just there to tag along. Whatever her story may be she is surely loved beyond measure. A daughter, a sister, granddaughter, niece, and cousin are the only titles she needs because Trisomy 18 does not define my daughter! Each day is a blessing, and is not to be taken for granted. She has changed our lives. Broadened our view of the world. Grown our faith, and has shaken our universe as we know it.
Evergreen is our little gift from God, and i wish people knew more about T18 babies, and how it’s not all bad. Time is precious, and they show what’s really important in this world!
Our precious Evergreen