Hello everyone,
I was told in the September that my baby, Phoenix, had Trisomy 18. The right side of his heart was a lot smaller than the left side and the pulmonary artery could not be found while looking at the ultrasounds. He also had a cyst on his brain and his growth was 2 weeks behind. The doctor said his hands looked to be clinched. October 3rd, 2016 at 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I went into labor and delivered baby Phoenix at 4:18 pm. Instead of having him hooked to different monitors, my significant other and I decided we wanted to hold Phoenix until he passed. I came to terms that Phoenix would not live very long because he was too little and under developed, so I whispered in his ear October 4th at 3:00 am that if he was ready to go, he could leave. At 3:12 am, my little boy received his wings and returned home. This is the hardest thing my significant other and I have ever had to do but I know Phoenix is in a much better place and he left this world in my arms surrounded by love. Here’s a photo of us and Phoenix a few hours after birth. I wish all you parents of these little angels the best!
Phoenix Nicholas Ray