I am the mom of a son with Partial Trisomy 18. My son’s name is Quentin and he will be 25 years old on July 28, 2015. This is my first time submitting anything but my son is such a loving child. We have had near death experiences over the years, but Quentin has had a wonderful life. We (my husband and I) allowed him to attend public school and at 22 he aged out, but was able to participate in the graduation celebration. This is only a brief story but I feel like I needed to say something about him. He is unable to walk, talk, sit without support, but be is able to eat by mouth foods that are finely chopped or pureed. He is currently 38 lbs. and 46 inches tall, which is the biggest he has ever been and most of this occurred in the last year and a half. He is a joy to be around. He brings so much happiness to everyone that meets him. Truly a blessing to our family and community.
Quentin’s Story