

At my 20 week ultrasound my world was changed forever. At the ultrasound they found my baby boy Isaiah was measuring a week behind, a small stomach, and there were many large cysts in his brain. A few days later I had a more detailed ultrasound and the Doctor said she suspected Trisomy 18. That same day I had an amniocentesis done. Sadly the results came back 3 days later confirming full Trisomy 18. An echocardiogram found a large VSD in his heart.

As the pregnancy progressed I developed polyhydramnios. At 36 weeks 4 days I had an ultrasound which found Isaiah had stopped growing and was showing signs up distress. An induction was scheduled for the next morning at the Foothills hospital. I elected for an epidural and to be monitored throughout my entire labour. The Doctor broke my water and Isaiah’s heart rate dropped significantly and the umbilical cord started to come out. Quickly I was rushed to the OR for an emergency c-section. When he was born I heard him cry but shortly after he stopped. It turns out he had stoped breathing so they intubated him. I am so happy that on our birth plan we said yes to intubation despite many people warning me against it as by doing this we got to spend 21 hours with him that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

Our Priest met us at the hospital with his Godparents and baptized him. His 3 older brothers, grandparents and aunts got to meet him. I had an amazing midwife through all this. The next day we were told that he wouldn’t survive much longer so family came back again for another visit and a volunteer photographer took family pictures. Another Priest came and gave Isaiah the sacrament of the last rites. They took out the intubation tubes and my husband and I cuddled him in our arms. Shortly after he was with Jesus. We had a beautiful funeral Mass for him and had him buried. I am happy we gave him all the respect and dignity possible. He knew he was loved and got tons of hugs and kisses while he was with us.

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