
Trisomy 18 Stories

Zachary David 3

Baby Grace

My boyfriend and I were very happy to have a newborn baby in our lives. I have always...

Jonesy Luke Gray

We found out we were expecting our second child just a few days before our daughter's third birthday....
Annabelle Rose Picture

Annabelle Rose Kennedy

Annabelle Rose Kennedy, was born on November 16, 2016 and lived 86 beautiful days before dying peacefully at...

Isabelle Margaret

Last month, my boyfriend and I were very excited to go for our 22-week ultrasound. We were anticipating...

Canaan’s story

I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child in June of 2016. We were over the...

Hayley Soleil 2016

My husband and I were married on August 1, 2015. We were both 37 and decided that if...
Shaely DulceMaria Reyes

Shaely DulceMaria Reyes

After having our first son we were now expecting for the second time and hoping for a little...

Isaiah’s Story

In January 2016 I became pregnant. My husband and I were overjoyed to be expecting again. After my...

Sweet 16, our beautiful Milla

Sometimes the universe gives you the most wonderful spirit to have in your life and sometimes that time...