Ella was born with Trisomy18 on January 25, 2024. The doctors told us that because of her severe heart defects (she had an ASD, multiple VSDs, and valve complications), she would only survive seconds after birth. We took her home 3 days later at three pounds. She thrived until she was 12 weeks old and then went into heart failure. My husband and I also have 4 other children, but we made the decision for Ella and I to move 6 hours away to Austin so she could receive care at Dell Children’s Hospital. On April 26th, she had a pulmonary artery band placed (heart surgery). She was only 4 pounds and 13 weeks old at that time. Over the next 7 months we stayed in the CCU and “grew her.” She was intubated for most of the time. To keep this short, these are a few things we faced: feeding issues, kidney stones, collapsed lung, she had a trach and a G-Tube placed, and survived pneumonia. We were just about to take her home at the end of November and they discovered a massive brain hemorrhage. They believed it was a fast growing tumor that ruptured. Because of its severity, there was nothing that could be done. My amazingly strong, beautiful daughter, Ella Rose Turner, passed away on November 17, 2024.
Ella Rose