My Name is Niyohnna, and I found out that I was pregnant after already going through a miscarriage. So, of course, I was extremely excited to find out I was pregnant again. I really wanted a girl, and my wish came true when I got my daughter. We decided to name her Ny’Arie Zhane Lilly. She was born an angel on February 9th, 2023. Unfortunately, we received the news that she tested positive for trisomy 18 the same day we found out she would be a girl. A few weeks later, I had my ultrasound check-up appointment, only to find out my daughter was no longer alive. Not only was she diagnosed with trisomy 18 and had a clubbed foot and cleft lip, but 70% of her placenta had died on her, stopping blood flow to her just when they told me she had passed.
Ny’Arie Zhane Lilly