Parents: Erin & Scott Brooks
Hometown: Vinton, Virginia
Carried to term, lived an hour
Ryder Allen’s Story
Our son, Ryder, was diagnosed prenatally with Trisomy 18. We followed our faith and chose to continue our pregnancy and carry Ryder with love for as long as we could. We knew that however short his life would have value and meaning.
Ryder Allen Brooks was born on Friday March 8, 2013 at 9:33am. He was 2 months early and weighed 2 lb 5.9 oz and was 14 inches long.
God granted our greatest prayer and Ryder was born alive!! He stayed with us for a very short time before returning home to God at 10:36am. But what an incredible hour that was! We got to tell our son how much we loved him, how proud of him we were.
We got to shower him with love, hugs, and kisses and he got to meet his grandparents. We got more pictures and made more memories of his life in that short hour than I ever dreamed possible.
Ryder taught us unconditional love, strength, and grace. He has forever changed our lives and made us better people.