
Trisomy 18 Stories


Cindy Ezekwesili

My sweet angel was born on Oct 26, 2004, through a C-section in Republic of South Africa. She...

Bridget Nora’s Story

In May of 2018 my wife and I found out that we were having our first child. We...

Blakely Jane Langerot

Our sweet baby girl, Blakely Jane, made an early arrival, at just 28 weeks, on May 25th 2019....

Jameson Cole

Jameson is my miracle baby. I’d already had 5 miscarriages and Jameson was a complete surprise. I never...

Lillian Rose

“’Trisomy 18.’ ‘Incompatible with life.’ I think back to the day those words shook my pregnant body to...
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Robert Shepard Gray

When we found out we were pregnant with our third child it was a bit of a surprise...

Mark’s Story

Mark’s Story Mark’s story begins when his father and I decided to try to have children. This would...
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Mitchell Emil McCollum

Mitchell Emil was conceived in love and grew surrounded in that love. We learned early in the pregnancy...

Living with fear missing out on spending time with her

I found out I was pregnant after I had given up trying because I was told that my...